50022 Greve in Chianti (FI) Italy
Localitá Il Volano–Lucarelli
Tel (+39) 055 8561010
Fax (+39) 055 8561942
> Directions from Florence: take the SP3 or SR222 to Greve in Chianti, continue direction Panzano in Chianti then after 3 km turn left following direction Radda in Chianti/Lucarelli through SP2Bis (very important: do not follow the GPS the tiny road for Pieve di San Leolino, is the wrong way).We are on the left of the main road 600 mt after the crossroad.
> Directions from Siena: take the SR222 from Siena to Castellina pass the town and then follow the SR222 direction Panzano in Chianti for 10km then take right the SP2bis direction Radda in Chianti/Lucarelli. We are on the left of the main road 600 mt after the crossroad.
The 62 hectare property that boasts 33 hectares of DOCG & IGT vineyards is among Tuscany’s most picturesque – set just south of Panzano in Chianti, Il Molino di Grace is nestled half way between the iconic jewels of Florence and Siena.
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